Fibroid is really a common medical issue now among women of reproductive age all over the world. As a result, several therapies have been developed to tackle it and the commonest and the most popular of all is surgery.
However, surgeries (just like some other fibroid therapies) help you to remove fibroid but a regrowth always occur. This has made many women to undergo fibroid surgeries more than once. In fact, we have cases of women who confirmed to us to have carried out surgeries for fibroid up to three and four times. Yet, the fibroid keeps regrowing.
See an example below;
That’s a case of four myomectomies. A myomectomy is the surgical removal of fibroids.
We have so many of them like that and they come in everyday.
So, if you fall in this category or you are currently taking a fibroid treatment, you need to be serious with the following information that teaches you about 7 ways you can stop fibroid regrowth on your own.
Following are different effective ways that will help you to stop fibroid regrowth after treatment or surgery as well as alleviating discomfort and symptoms associated wit uterine fibroids:
- Avoid birth control pills: Avoiding birth control pills that contain oestrogen can help you prevent fibroid regrowth. Just as these tumours grow faster during pregnancy, their growth is also accelerated by birth control pills containing oestrogen.
Pesticides and herbicides used on food products are also oestrogen mimicking products to avoid. Tampons and napkins bleached with chlorine can also mimic oestrogen, so avoid them in order to prevent against fibroid regrowth.
- Fibroids regrowth can be checked by consuming at least three servings of whole grains and/or beans daily. Whole grain and beans also protect against breast and endometrial cancer which have also become so rampant today.
- Eliminating excess oestrogen will result in shrinking fibroids naturally. Herbs such as dandelion, milk thistle, and yellow dock help to metabolise oestrogen from the body if you have access to them.
- Chasteberry is often used successfully to shrink and prevent the return of fibroids. It reduces excess oestrogen, balances hormones, and reduces inflammation. You can find chasteberry in herbal capsule, tablet, tea or liquid tincture form. You can also take chasteberry as a raw, dried herb. The liquid extract is a potent, highly absorbable herbal preparation. It is worthy to mention that chasteberry is one of the constituents of the FibClear Herbal Formula which we use to shrink fibroid naturally without surgery.
- Liver cleansing and drinking plenty of water to expel toxins from the body will also be very helpful. You can read our article on 2 home-made recipes you can use to detoxify your system regularly if you are suffering from fibroid.
- Warm castor oil packs placed on the stomach is another effective method of shrinking and preventing fibroids and relieving pain. Ginger compresses are also effective.
- Exercise helps the body to free itself of toxins and regulate ovulation and this can help you maintain healthy uterus free of fibroids. When we say exercise here, we do not mean the one you do for several hours per day. Even if all you can do is just to jog or walk for 10minutes actively per day, you are fine as long as you are consistent.
If you find this article useful, kindly share it with all the women around you. Let’s kick fibroid out of our community one woman at a time. We love feedback, for any comment, question or feedback, kindly use the comment box below.
Will you like to know about the Natural Fibroid Remedy we have used over the years to treat fibroid without surgery? Then click here to read about it and see how it can help you treat your fibroids and improve your fertility naturally too without any side effect. You also see the numerous success stories we have recorded (even with scan reports before and after) on this page.
PS – Will you like to receive our free tips and home remedies to get rid of fibroid naturally via your email? Click here to sign-up for it.
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