Hello everyone. we are happy to really bring to your hearing yet another good news concerning our natural health and wellness products. This one is from one of our numerous satisfied customers. You see, it is not our habit at Plan B Wellness to bombard you with every positive feedback from our clients. If we want to do that, it means we will not have time to write all those highly informative health articles you do receive from us on a regular basis.

Nevertheless, there are times when we feel we need to share some of our experiences with you especially if the case is an extreme one. Such, exactly, is what has happened here.

Around April this year, an elderly man called our official line from Ibadan to enquire about our products for Fibroid for his wife. We explained to him and we advised him to send his wife for scan and forward the scan result to our company’s email address. Precisely on April 26. 2014, he sent the scan result and we replied with the appropriate category/duration that will be required to take care of the type of fibroid the wife has.

You see, the scan result sent is one of the wow cases of Fibroids we have seen at Plan B Wellness. The scan shows 13 solid fibroid masses located in different parts of the woman’s uterus. The man also followed it up with the fact that they have tried all possible means ranging from herbal to orthodox treatment and even surgery to get the fibroid treated, all to no avail.

Below is a copy of the scan result sent;

fibroid-scan-1-746x1024amazing fribroids treatment


After recommending the appropriate category of treatment for the woman, they paid to our company’s bank account. We sent their products to them and the woman commenced her treatment.

At Plan B Wellness, we regularly follow-up on everyone on our treatment in order to be aware of how they are fairing. What we noticed about this particular case is that the man will just reply simply that the treatment is going on fine for his wife. We never had a clear view of what was going on.

Sometimes last week, this man called to inform us that his wife was about to finish her treatment and we instantly told him to allow her to finish everything and then send her for scan so that we will know what has happened so far concerning the treatment. Just this morning, the man called to inform us about the scan and how happy they are as per the improvement so far.

Check the image below to see for yourself…

fibroid-scan-2-744x1024amazing fibroids treatment-1

In the course of 3 months of her treatment with our FibClear Herbal Formula, the 13 masses of fibroid have reduced to just 4 and her reproductive health has greatly improved. You see, only those who have difficulties with fibroid will appreciate the success here. You don’t want to know how it feels to have 13 giant masses of fibroid existing in your belly!!! Let me also inform you that the 2 scan tests were done in a single place for the sake on consistency and reliability.

This is the kind of positive result we achieve regularly at Plan B wellness from our numerous patients across the country and even beyond treating different kinds of health challenges.

However, the treatment for this woman is not over yet. Our mission is to get everything cleared off her system in the next few weeks by God’s grace. This is something she has been struggling to achieve for several years plus the fact that she has spent huge amount of money on it. She achieved great result in just 3months of treatment with us and we are still not done with her yet.

We will work with this woman till she achieves her desire of no single fibroid mass in/around her uterus again.

We congratulate her on reclaiming her health back in the most natural way from fibroid. We also like to implore all women reading this to follow the natural course that will not have adverse effects on their health for fibroid treatment.

If you will like to ask us any question about our treatments, you can comment below. We will also be glad to have you share your experience about fibroid below.

Will yo also like to try our FibClear Herbal Formula to treat your fibroid naturally? Click here to learn more about it.

PS – Will you like to receive our free tips and home remedies to get rid of fibroid naturally via your email? Click here to sign-up for it.

Stay Healthy And Never Give Up!

Plan B Wellness Center
Email –
Twitter – @planbwellness


  1. etim

    what if you have already been operated

    1. planbwellness

      If you have already been operated and you have no issues, then there is no problem. Regards

  2. Ayodele

    I hope this your treatment doesn’t have any side effect, because have been hearing series of story about all these treatment?

    1. No one we have treated in the past (or treating currently) has ever suffered any side effect.


  3. precious

    Good day. Is it only after payment that you give out the treatment? Secondly can one pay in instalments? Waiting for your response

    1. Yes, payment before treatment.


  4. nuhu

    What is the cost for the treatment

    1. Check the details concerning the fibroid treatment on


  5. Uduak Ita

    Pls I saw where u said pmt can be made twice, how much is d 1st Instalment? Pls reply

    1. We accept instalment payment only for some treatments and not all. However, if your treatment falls under where you can pay twice, the minimum first instalment is 50% of the total cost of the treatment.


  6. rita

    Hi, pls what plan is good to remove 10.3cmx7.2cm intramural

    1. Hello Rita,

      You can visit to understand how this is done.

  7. Bimpe

    This is amazing and great. God is good

  8. Grace

    Pls sir how much it will cost me

    1. @Grace See the cost details of our Fibroid Treatment on

  9. Sarah

    Please I want to know if you guys can cure bilateral ovarian cyst?

    1. Yes. Visit for details about our products for ovarian cyst.

  10. Anthonia

    won’t fibroid come bk after treatment

    1. @Anthonia,

      NO. You have control over that with our Ebook on diet that teaches you how to keep fibroid away for life.


  11. juliet

    Good morning, i have a friend that has intracavity uterine fibroid of 64mmX54mm size, which category of treatment will be good for her?

    1. Hello Juliet,

      Thanks for your enquiry but kindly note we do not accept scan reports sent in text format for treatment recommendation as what needs to be considered in recommending fibroid treatment category goes beyond the size only. So, you have to forward the original scan report/result to our email.


  12. M.O.

    I just had a very successful fibroid surgery in April (this year). i thank the God Almighty who showed me mercy and delivered me. About three months after, i started noticing a small lump in my stomach. Is it medically possible for fibroid to start growing immediately after surgery?

    1. @M.O

      You might want revisit your doctor or run a pelvic scan to confirm what the lump might be.


  13. Grace

    My scan result measures 22*11.5cm,then 150 fairly round masses noted within the uterine muscles. The largest 8.6*6.0cm intramural. The Subsetvsl mass Measures 4.7*5.0cm.there is film of fluid the endometral

    1. @Grace,

      Thanks for contacting us.

      However, kindly note that we can’t recommend any treatment with scan reports sent in text format as you did above. Kindly forward the actual scan result to our email ( for review and appropriate treatment recommendation.


  14. oby

    pls ur whatsap contact so dt forwarding scan result will be easier. intramural/ subserosal fibroid causing heavy and prolong and irregular bleeding

    1. @Oby,

      Kindly forward your medical reports to 08099666650 or


  15. yetunde

    Pls how can you send it to china if I order for the herbs?

    1. @Yetunde

      We send packages outside Nigeria via courier service.


  16. chukwu

    I pray all this testimonies are true because, I know how much I have spent on my sister’s fibroid issue, I will still try your drugs

  17. Christy

    Having serious bleeding during my periods coming out in clot.I had herbal medication but it worsten my condition I had to stop taking it.Dr advising me for removal,but I don’t want surgery.need tonhave more kids.pls I have fibroids and I really want them off me.what is the gurantee that the fibroid will be off and no side effect of what do ever.I have been following this site for long but have not optioned for treatment.doe the fibroids fall out or shrink during treatment.also do you give the books with the long does it treatment last.

    1. @Christy,

      You seem to have so many questions about our Fibroid Treatment. You can actually get answers to all the questions you asked above on

      If you need any more clarification after visiting the link, you can send us an email via


  18. Benny

    just dd a fibriod scan. though i was told to do it since july. the result – bulky multiple fibroid. what do i do next. d hospital is suggesting operation.

    1. @Benny,

      You can forward the scan result result to our email for treatment recommendation. The fibroid can be treated without surgery.

    2. Benny

      How many kit do I need for small fibroid and what category? Benny

      1. @Benny,

        Small is relative. You need to send the scan for us to see the exact size and other details. Then, we can recommend the appropriate category of treatment.
        Our email is

  19. Chinonye

    I have two Fibroid 7cm and 4cm,how much will it cause me to buy your remedy kit. How do I get it because I live in Abuja

    1. @Chinonye,

      For all the details about our fibroid herbal products and how to get it in Abuja, kindly visit


  20. omowunmi

    can we read more testimonies for more assurance purposes

    1. You can visit for more testimonies

  21. Robert

    Dear Sir,
    i came across your website when i was google how to treat fibroid because i was looking for a solution for my wife who has fibroid.
    After reading through your website information and testimonies i have seen that am at the right place to get away my wife fibroid for her.

    Let me know how to start the treatment by getting the products to start.
    Also i what to ask if you do have representative office in Ghana? if not then am very much interested to take this opportunity to be your representative in Ghana, immediately after the testimony of my wife.

    Thank and wait for your kind reply soonest.

    1. Hello Robert,

      Thanks for contacting us.

      You can visit to learn more about our natural remedy for fibroid works.

      As for the agency, we have few people showing interest from Ghana but none of them has been activated yet. So, the opportunity is still very much available.


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