Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary, pushed down the Fallopian tube and is made available to be fertilized  by sperm. 

In this article, we will show you everything you need to know about achieving regular ovulation and also boost your fertility naturally. We will share with you different local food items, fruits, vegetables and herbs to achieve this easily, like ABC.

You will learn about 6 different types of common food items, 10 different herbs  and daily activities to boost your ovulation naturally

Before we delve into that fully, let’s firstly make you understand the process of ovulation and why it’s so important for a woman that’s still interested in pregnancy.

So, let’s get to work! 

Approximately every month, an egg will mature within one of your ovaries. As it reaches maturity, the egg is released by the ovary where it enters the Fallopian tube to make its way towards waiting for sperm and the uterus.

The lining of the uterus would have thickened to prepare for the fertilized egg, under normal circumstance. If no conception occurs, the uterine lining, as well as blood, will be shed. The shedding of an unfertilized egg and the uterine wall is the time of menstruation.

Ovu-Boost herbal combo

Hope the explanation is simple and clear enough so far. 

As simple as this sounds, it is a nightmare for some women. A lot of women do struggle with regular ovulation and most even don’t know or are not aware if they ovulate or not.

Below, you will find simple proven natural ways that can help you improve and enhance your ovulation.

Recommended Foods for Regular Ovulation

1. Green Leafy Vegetables, Lentils and Peas 

These food categories contain large amounts of folate which helps the body make and maintain new cells. It also helps increase egg quality which enhances fertility in women. Therefore, raising your chances of getting pregnant, staying pregnant and preventing neural tube defects in foetus.

Foods to boost ovulation: Plan B Wellness

Examples of foods in this category are;

Vegetable: Spinach, broccoli and lettuce, all common local vegetables such as Efo Yanrin (Wild Lettuce or Dandelion greens), Efo ewuro (Bitter leaves), Efo Tete (African Spinach), Efo Shoko (Lagos Spinach), Gbure (water leaves), Efo Igbo (Eggplant leaves), Amunututu: (Malabar Spinach), Efinrin: (basil or scent leaf), Afang Leaves, Ugu. 

2. Whole Grains for Boosting Ovulation

whole grains for ovulation

Whole grains, especially oats, are rich in vitamins B and E. These vitamins are essential for cellular reproduction, production of healthy eggs and sperm, and hormone balancing.

3. Beans

Ovu-boost Plan B Wellness

Beans, especially black beans, are rich in phytoestrogen

It is best to eat it starting from the day you finish your period (say day 5) to day 11 i.e. for about 6 days. This is the period when oestrogen rises to support the development and maturation of healthy eggs.

4. Fatty Fish 

Sardin fish for ovulation

Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel and sardines have omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids which helps to regulate reproductive health, improve blood flow and enhance the quality of eggs and sperm. Flaxseed oil is a great alternative for fatty fish.

5. Eggs 

eggs for ovulation

Eggs contain essential fatty acids and amino acids that are important for reproductive functionThey are valuable sources of protein, essential vitamins and minerals, all of which can make a significant contribution to a healthy reproductive system and ovulation in particular. 

6. Oysters

oysters for ovulation

Oysters are also a super fertility food and are libido-enhancing food too. They are rich in huge amount of zinc that is believed to help with both healthy sperm and egg.

Some studies suggest that zinc can help men increase semen and testosterone production, while in women it can increase ovulation and fertility with the consumption of about 15 mg a day.

Wonder Plants & Herbs for Regular Ovulation

1. Vitex  

Vitex for boosting ovulation

This herb helps in normalizing the ovulation process. It is used to help balance hormones by stimulating the pituitary gland, which produces sex hormones such as oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. It stimulates the luteinizing hormone and minimizes the release of the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It is readily available in capsule, loose herb, tincture, tea and powder forms.

This herbal product contains Vitex and can help you ovulate. Click here to get it.

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal for ovulation

Oatmeal is great at calming down the nervous system, so its a great natural way to treat depression, stress and anxiety, which are often reasons why many women cant get pregnant. It also helps tone up the uterus and has aphrodisiac effects, which can favour intimate relations.

Drink oat straw tea or even eat oatmeal, which will provide all the vitamins and protein that benefit you so much.

Do not use along with prescription medications containing hormones.

3. Red clover

Red clover for ovulation

It is rich in plant oestrogens that help boost fertility in women with oestrogen deficiency. It is also helpful in correcting Fallopian tube scarring, irregular menstrual cycle, and unexplained infertility.

Red clover blossoms are available in a dried form. Add 2 tables spoons of dried red clover to a cup of boiling water. Let the mixture sit overnight or for about four hours. You can also add a few peppermint leaves for flavour. 

Take about 1-4 cups daily.

4. Red raspberry

Red raspberry for ovulation

Red Raspberry has natural fertility enhancing properties. It is a highly nutritive astringent herb that supports uterine muscles in healthy conception. It also has phyto-progesterone qualities, which could improve progesterone levels. Red raspberry is known to prevent miscarriages and pregnancy complications.

Use completely dried leaves of Red Raspberry for making tea to keep away the Cyclospora parasite found in raspberries. In some cases, loose stools and nausea can occur.

Red raspberry leaf can be seen as capsules and as loose leaf.

You can steep two teaspoons of leaves in one cup of boiling water for 10-15min and consume. Consume about 3-6 cups daily.

5. Green Tea

Green tea for ovulation

The famous green tea is a well-known for its rich antioxidants quality, which is essential and very important when it comes to improving fertility, as it helps produce healthy eggs.

Drink green tea instead of coffee, since the latter causes negative effects when trying to get pregnant.

6. Dong Quai

Dong Quai for boosting ovulation

Extensively used in Chinese medicine, this herbal medicine regulates menstruation and ovulation. It clears stagnation of blood (a major cause of infertility) and also assists in toning a weak uterus.

Take its liquid extract (tincture) added to water twice daily. Dont drink it along with blood-thinning medications and it is advisable to stop once the menstrual flow starts.

Do not use during diarrhoea, excessive menstrual flow or hemorrhagic conditions.

7. Black cohosh

Black cohosh for ovulation boosting

This toning herb is helpful for prolapsed uterus and fibroids. It regulates the oestrogen levels in the body, which can minimize the chances of abortion in the early stages of pregnancy.

It is available in tablet, capsule and tincture forms. Take about 40 to 80mg a day. Overdosage can lead to upset stomach and vomiting.

8. Wild Yam

Wild yam for boosting ovulation

Wild yam contains diosgenin, a saponin that promotes mild progesterone balancing properties.

It, therefore, helps in enhancing fertility. It also has aphrodisiac effects and synthesizes sex hormones, favouring intimate relations.

Wild yam has been used traditionally for uterine and ovarian spasm, including dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation).

When used for infertility it is employed to optimize oestrogen levels and improve the quality and quantity of cervical mucus, if the cervical mucus is too viscous or too sparse

It can be taken in capsule, infused and fresh root tincture forms. Use it only before ovulation and avoid excessive usage as it exhibits anti-fertility properties in high dosage.

9. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha for boosting ovulation

Ashwagandha significantly aids fertility. It enhances the endocrine system, thus regulating the adrenal and thyroid glands, which are helpful in balancing the reproductive organs. Ashwagandha also strengthens the ovaries, uterus, and the immune system.

How to use

Take about 25g of Ashwagandha root powder and put in 400ml water. Boil so that the proportion is reduced to one-fourth of the original quantity. Now, add 100ml milk and continue to boil until it reduces to 100ml. Filter and consume it while it is hot.

Take about 30ml before food in the morning, along with half a teaspoon of honey. Take it for two to three months to enhance your chances of pregnancy

10. Tribulus

Tribulus for boosting ovulation

Tribulus improves desire and sexual activity in both women and men. It helps to normalize ovulation in women with anovulatory infertility when used prior to ovulation.

It has also been associated with an improvement in erectile function, an increase in testosterone, as well as an improvement in the libido.

This herbal product contains Tribulus and can help you ovulate. Click here to get it.

Exercises for Enhancing Regular Ovulation 

Moderate regular exercise can improve fertility and the chance of having a baby. For overweight and obese women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), regular exercise can increase the frequency of ovulation which leads to more regular menstrual cycles. As ovulation becomes more frequent, the chance of conceiving increases.

Try moderate cardio like walking, jogging, aerobics, strength, stretching, flexibility and alignment training as well as yoga and pilates.

However, excessive exercise can drastically reduce oestrogen and progesterone levels, delaying ovulation or even suppressing it altogether.

With all these natural and simple ways to improve your ovulation, you have higher chances of improving your fertility and conception as well. Give whichever one of them that suites you a trial and see the miracle that follows.

Ovu-boost Plan B Wellness

If you are the busy type who may find it difficult to get any of the herbs above, try to get yourself this product for boosting ovulation naturally. It contains many of the herbs listed above and more and is already made into a form you can easily consume on the go.

If you need guidance with any of the herbs mentioned above, talk to us to see how we can be of help.

Do not forget to share this write-up with as many women as possible to also benefit.

Stay healthy and never give up!

Plan B Wellness Nigeria Limited

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  1. […] that women with insufficient amounts of iron in their bloodstream run the risk of suffering from anovulation (lack of […]

  2. […] you’ll have thick, white discharge. But around 14 days after your period ends — around the time of ovulation — your vaginal discharge will turn clear and become watery and so elastic that it can form thin […]

    1. Patience

      I don’t use to see such thing. please

      1. Hello madam,

        Thanks for your comment.
        By “such thing” can you explain what you mean so as to know how to properly respond to you.


  3. […] of the most basic concepts of natural conception is learning how to recognise the signs of ovulation in order to pinpoint your fertile window month to month and be able to increase your chances of […]

  4. […] is because ovulation is irregular at this time, and the endometrial lining fails to develop […]

  5. […] is because ovulation is irregular at this time, and the endometrial lining fails to develop […]

  6. Florence

    Good day, would like to know how to get VITEX and what you meant when you said “it should not be taken with prescribed hormone medication.


    Please can I get ovuboast and vitex from you

    1. Yes please, you can.

      Kindly visit to get it.


  8. Nhyira

    Hi, am struggling with infertility as well, I eat vegetables and have taken dong dai capsules, ashwagandha powder, motherwort dried herb, raspberry leave, salmon among other fertility supplement yet still no improvement as I have been diagnose of Polycystic ovaries, kindly help me as I really want to conceive. Thanks.

    1. Hello madam,

      Thanks for contacting us.

      As it is, you need to understand that the herbs you have used are all good but it is possible that your actual situation require something curative.
      In that case, you need to reach out to our support team via whatsapp on +2348099666658 or +2348099666648 for proper consultation to know exactly the natural remedy that will be most suitable for you.

      Also, you may want to have a look at our Natural Remedy for PCOS on

      Plan B Wellness

  9. Arikeade

    I’m not ovulating at all pls help me,I only know I’m mestruating but I’m not ovulating

  10. […] Learn more about how to achieve regular ovulation. […]

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