Here is a story of a woman that has been battling with Infertility for over 10years. Different medical investigations have been carried out on her to confirm that her infertility is due majorly to Endometritis, and Ovarian Cyst  of 53mmx47mm size as shown in the scan result below;

August 1

With these conditions, it may actually be very difficult for a woman to conceive. This woman, along with her husband, has spent a lot of money seeking for solution to this problem. You know what it means to be sleeping and be waking up with the same problem for over 10years – most especially when the problem concerns pregnancy!

Sometime last year, the woman got our contact details through someone who had used our products and got result, she contacted us and bought the products needed for her case.

After finishing the first round of our natural health products, she went for scan in October and got a surprise. Her Ovarian Cyst has reduced in size from 53mmx47mm to 40mmx36mm for the first time ever and the Endometritis has also become MILD, according to her scan report. See for yourself below. She took this in October;

October 2

This woman was exited and rained prayers on us with her husband. She was exited to take another step forward by continuing taking more products.

In December, she went for another scan to know just what’s going on and she got the scan result below…Her Endometritis is gone totally and the Ovarian Cyst has also reduced further from 40mmx36mm in October to 33mmx26mm…see the attached scan report below;


She, along with her husband, confessed that nothing ever they have used has helped them as our products have done within a short period of time. Don’t forget, 3-4 months is nothing to a couple that have been waiting for over 10 years to get a solution.

Actually, it does not take this long for our products to clear ovarian cyst as we do record successes within a period of one month several times even if the person is placed on a 3 months treatment plan. This particular case is a complex one, beyond just a cyst and that’s why we are sharing it with you.

Due to the Endomteritis, her menstruation has been greatly affected. It’s been seizing for some time prior to the commencement of the treatment. While on the treatment, the menses resurfaced again. She has also said a final bye-bye to Menstrual Disorder as a result of taking our products. She is still on her treatment to get rid of the ovarian cyst too finally.

What amazes us most is about where she’s been running her scan. They always put below her report a small note that reads – ‘’CONTINUE TREATMENT ADVISED’’.  Sure, they may not even know what she is using, but whatever it is, they have advised her to continue and they can confirm that it’s working for her.

Our next goal is in working with this woman to get pregnant like our other clients.

Note that we get news like this almost on a daily basis. We have decided to only share those with verifiable proofs.

To learn more about Our natural health products, click here!


Stay Healthy And Never Give Up!

Plan B Wellness Center
Email – consult@www.planbwellness.com
Twitter – @planbwellness


  1. jojoka

    Awesome! I can imagine how happy that family must be now. I have menstrual disorder and I wish I were a man each time I have it. It gives me cramps and i’d die if I don’t take pain relief. With this great tesmony, I think.”Plan B Wellness” is abslolutely my solution!

    1. Thanks.

      We will be glad to assist you achieve a stress-free Menstrual Cycle.

  2. am diagnosed of bilateral tubal blockage any help for me cause i cant get pregnant and am 40 already

  3. Bukola

    Pls hw much is treatment for endometriosis,bcos whenever am mentruatiing I always have a blood on my navel but after period it will stop,

    1. @Bukola,

      You can visit http://www.planbwellness.com/endometriosis to get all the details about our endometriosis treatment including the price.


  4. @Oduh,

    Thanks. Let your sister visit our Fibroid Treatment page on http://www.planbwellness.com/fibroid to see how she can get rid of fibroid naturally.

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