Here is the story of the woman we wrote about over the weekend of which we also promised to show you her scan results before and after taking our FibClear Herbal Formula to treat her fibroid naturally. A point of note here is the fact that this woman has not even taken one-quarter of the recommended FibClear package for her case.

See her scan report before starting to take the products;



Then on 12th of May 2014, this woman wanted to refer a friend to our company also for Fibroid Treatment. Because she already knew our ethic, she told her (the other woman) to go for a pelvic scan and she even went with her. It was while in that lab that she thought of just running a scan too to know how far with her own treatment.

To her biggest surprise, she was handed a result that confirmed absence of fibroid in her. Check the attached pix below for more details;


The name of the patient is intentionally blocked for privacy sake.

You see, this is just one of the numerous testimonies we receive on a daily basis for all our treatments and products. That is why we are so sure of the treatment we offer and also the reason why we always want our clients to run a test before and after taking our fibroid products.

Click here to try FibClear Herbal Formula for your fibroid too.  


Stay Healthy And Never Give Up!

Plan B Wellness Center
Email –
Twitter – @planbwellness


  1. Naomi

    Good morn. Am presently in kaduna please I will like to know more about your prices on your goods. I have a sister who has cyst due to hormonal imbalance.waiting for your reply.

    1. admin

      To treat cyst with our products, please click the following link for price and delivery details. Also for hormonal imbalance treatment, click

      If you need more help, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.


  2. Akosua amponsah

    Pls ive 5cm fbroid.i think the location is de prblm cos I cant grt pregnant.plss lemme no de cost n form of payment

    1. admin

      Click the following link for all the details about fibroid treatment including the price…

  3. Nellyzosky

    I like what u guys ar doing. I would like to have your product. A lot of African women ar suffering from fibroid and they are scared to go for surgery including me. So since u people ar sure of removing it naturally i want to be a living testimony of it cos i hav Fibroid which have prevented me from getting pregnant. How do i get the product? Im in Nigeria. Abia State precisely.

    1. admin

      Hello Nellyzosky. Thanks for showing interest in our treatment. Please go through the following link for all the details about our fibroid treatment

      If you have any more questions or enquiries, we will be glad to help.


  4. Nellyzosky

    Waiting for your response

    1. admin

      Sorry for the late in response, it was actually due to weekend holiday. Meanwhile, your initial question has been answered and here is the link to fibroid treatment again…


  5. I ve really found ur site so interesting, was jst surfing through the net when i stumble on this site. Please i wld want to believe all wat u ve said concerning the fibroid issue and will like to order mine. But one thing that is not cleared to me is that of the categories. Are we goin through all the categories? as in A, B, C, D or u give (sell) the one tu believe suitable for the persons' s issue according to where the fibroid located. Please send the response to my inbox.

  6. Uchechukwu linda

    I hv read ur write up i found it instrestin if u really mean it,gettin rid of fibriod natually.i was diagnose of fibriod hw do i go about it wit ur product

  7. Bemideli

    Please I have multiple fibroids but I have been able to have two kids without problems. The issue is that they embarrass me when I’m pregnant bcos they protrude and give my belly an uneven shape and I also my belly looks bigger than normal. So I would like to get your fibroid treatment kit and know how much it costs

    1. Hello Bemideli,

      Thanks for contacting us. We offer a natural treatment to get rid of fibroids without surgery and you can get all the detail about the treatment, including the price and the different categories on

      On that page, you will see the step-by-step of how to get the treatment.


  8. joy oj

    Please, I have a multiple fibroid. The uterus measures (10.5×5.9×7.6)cm and the largest fibroid measuring (3.4×3.0)cm being fundally sited with a Calcific Rim. Both ovaries and adnexae are unremarkable. There is no significant pelvic fluid collection. The uterine bladder is normal in outline and wall thickness. Conclusion : Uterine Leiomyoma with Calcific degeneration. Pls, I need your advice. Thank your

    1. Hello Joy,

      Kindly send a scanned/snapped copy of the result to our email for advice. Our team of Medical Practitioners that will review your result don’t accept result sent in text format.


  9. joy oj

    Good day , Pls, I have sent the scanned copy to your mail. Thanks.

    1. Your mail has been replied.


  10. nma

    Please can I present a scanned result I took last year.would it still be identified or do I need to do another scan

    1. A recent scan will be better.


  11. Ejirooghene

    Can fibroid that has calcified be treated with your product?

    1. Yes.

  12. Ogochukwu

    Am interested in ur product. How long wil it take for d product to reach Anambra State, while on medication am i free to get pregnant. I hav been battling with fibroids for years now.

    1. Hello Ogochukwu,

      Delivery to Anambra takes 24-48hours. You are free to get pregnant while on the treatment of course. You can visit for details on how to get our Natural Fibroid Treatment without surgery.

  13. Monica

    Hello Plan b,
    Please does your fibroid kit has any adverse effect. A friend of mine told me that some of these fibroid treatment can generate different sicknesses like diabetes, kidney failure and all that. Please kindly reply.


    1. Hello Monica,

      Not at all. It’s our third year of providing the Fibroid Remedy Kit for fibroid treatment without surgery and none of the people we have treated has ever complained of or reported such issue before.

  14. nkiru promise

    I am nkiruka promise I love this I was diagnosed some years back and was negative to fibroid but I have a very heavy flow of mensuration every month what do I do and I am awaitng mother as well

    1. @Nkiruka,

      Thanks for contacting us. The first thing you should do is to see your Doctor to find our the cause of the heavy flow. If the cause is known, it will be easier to treat it to normalise the menstruation as it is important for pregnancy.

      You can also read about what we offer on menstrual related issues on


  15. modesta

    I’m interested in your fibroid kit. How and where do I start to get rid of fibroid. What is the cost of the kit, thanks

    1. @Modesta,

      Thanks for showing interesting in our Fibroid Remedy Kit. You can visit for details on how to get the Kit.


    2. aa


  16. Rosemary

    Please send me your email address so I can send you my result for further advise from you on the recommended treatment.Thanks

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